The Department of Chemistry is one of the oldest departments in the Government College of Engineering, Salem established when the college was started. The department gives high quality chemistry tutoring of the first year students from all department and also Biology for engineering in the higher semester. The B.E lab in the department has all the instruments and equipments as per the requirement of the AICTE norms. The department is recognized for research activities under Science & Humanities affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. The Department has highly qualified and motivated faculty members and well-equipped laboratory to cater to the first-year students need.
More than 100 quality research works have been published from the department. The department has produced more than 30 Ph.D scholars. Department has also assisted many B.E and M.E project students mainly in the field of Nanotechnology and corrosion. The Ph.D laboratory in the department is highly sophisticated and research works in the field of Corrosion, Environmental chemistry, Organic chemistry, Phytochemistry and Nanotechnology is carried out.