Sports Community achieve a healthier lifestyle while coping with the highly demanding study environment, one needs to be healthy, both emotionally and physically. As a part of this process, GCE emphasizes the importance of sports and considers them as an integral part of the curriculum. GCE has several centers for physical education and sports activities that help the students maintain physical fitness and develop a competitive spirit. Its numerous outdoor playgrounds and indoor courts are spread over a vast area.
Outdoor Sports:
400 Mts Track and field
Football Ground
Cricket Ground
Badminton (Women)
Badminton (Men)
Basketball Court Floodlight
Handball Courts, Floodlight
Hockey Field Tennis
Tennis (Clay Court Floodlit)
Volleyball (Floodlight)
Volleyball & Throwball Court
Indoor Sports:
Basketball Court Floodlight
Badminton(Wooden Floor, Men)
Badminton (Wooden Floor, Women)
Table Tennis Women
Table Tennis Men
Gymnasium Trendset
Multi Gym (Men)