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The following scholarship are awarded by Government and other Agencies to deserving students. The details are as follows:
Sl. No. Name  of Scholarship / Financial  Assistance Value Rs. Eligibility Conditions Sanctioning Authority
1 State Govt .Scholarship for Backward / Most Backward / Denotified Communities  Rs. 6825/- (Half Fee) and Rs 5425/-  (Full Fee) per year for BC/ MBC/DNC Students Full fee  Scholarship applicable to  BC/  MBC  /  DNC  Students  whose parental income is up to Rs. 1,00,000/- per year and theStudent is the first graduate in the family. Half fee scholarship if income limit alone is satisfied. Principal
2 Govt. of India Post Matric  Scholarship Rs. 8750/- per year for day scholars  and Rs.  17800/- for hostellers Applicable  to  SC/ST  students Whose parental income does not exceed Rs. 2, 00,000/- per year. Principal
3 State Govt .Award for Bright Students Rs. 1500/- annum Applicable  to  SC/ST  students who secure the highest marks in  H.Sc.,  Exam. in  the respective schools.   Director of Adi Dravidar Welfare, Madras - 5.  
4 Award of Prize Money to SC/ST Students (includ- ing converts)   Rs. 5000/- annum Applicable  to  SC/ST  students who secure 60 % and above in B.E., Degree Examinations in 4 years.   Director of Adi Dravidar Welfare, Madras - 5.
NOTE : All  first  Graduates  are  exempted  from  paying  tuition  fees. All  SC/ST  students  are  exempted  from  payment  of  Tuition Fee
irrespective  of  Parent's  annual  income  (G.O. Ms. No. 722 Social Welfare Department dt.  13-10-1977)

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Innovation Mentor Program